Square up

I have had a square reader for almost 10 years, and I have always liked how easy it is to use. It makes it possible to sell things to friends and family in person quite easily and with a card.

I believe that Etsy works with Square reader, if you sell it on your reader, it will adjust your inventory on your etsy site.

They also have the ability to set up a free online store through their own interface, and this is why I'm even talking about square right now. I am not super pleased with having to pay fees for items I'm not even selling, and have been looking into setting up a different online storefront.

Square doesn't charge fees outside of transaction fees. The online set up is pretty straight forward and doesn't have an SEO gimmick to clutter up the listings. It looks a little plain but that allows the postings to really stand out, I think.

As of right now, I am thinking my plan is to fade-out my Etsy shop when my posts expire and set up a square shop to use for my business. I should be completely moved over by the end of May.

I will post a link here when I get it set up, thank you for your support during this transition!!


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