Possible Future Avenues
Right now Zilvmay Creations is all about accessories. Mostly hats, because it's what I love to work on, and they are (mostly pretty simple). I have been toying around with the idea of adding accessories of a different avenue to my inventory.
Some of the items I would have to hunt down and find/make new patterns for, but the other direction is just scaling things down-way down.
I am pretty passionate about ATS (American Tribal Style [belly dance]) and have seen plenty of hip scarves with tassels, made with yarn, and zill bags, and accessories.
I even made myself a couple of crocheted bras to wear over my choli. I would LOVE to figure out more patterns and make enough of these things to sell them!! It's rather niche, but I think I may know enough people to network it. Hopefully.
Footless sandles, or can be worn on the hands. |
I would probably market anything I'd make for ATS as beginners gear. Everything I've made for myself has held up real well, and done me good for both practice and (the one) performance, but would be less polished than some of the beautiful gear you can find on etsy.
An example of beautiful etsy posting for ATS by Dancing Tribe |
Another example of ATS hip scarves on etsy, by Tilted Tale Designs |
I'd be happy to sell things that would help out people newer to the dance, and trying to start out their costuming collection!!
The other direction I would really love to take my talents is into the world of BDJs ([Asian] Ball Jointed Dolls).
I wouldn't necessarily need to make anything new I would just have to work with smaller hooks, super fine yarn, and downscale everything I already make. It's something I've played with before and had some fun making hats and scarves for my own two dolls.
I have done a few other accessories and decor items, too.
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